Hi Ashok,
Cant see the exact requirement u want but from ur description it looks
simple enough.

All u need to do is create a textInput and a panel/canvas/form below
it. Just hide the panel on load of the application
After the user focuses on the textInput u can show the panel. Use the
mouseOver property.
If this is not what u want then we might be able to help u after u
post the example of the component that u want.

On Jun 16, 1:39 am, AshokFx <ash198...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All ,
> I have to build a similar component shown below in flex. In this we will be
> having a textinput and as the user moves the mouse on textinput it will
> display the Panel/Form component below it. Note: its not list as in the
> image attached.
> Please suggest me if there are any opensource component with same
> functionality or how to build it. Thanks

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