Does anyone know how to solve this possible legal issue.

I created a website I wish to fully open source. The programmer and I
both own shared rights to code in our area's (mine: front, his:
functionality). Recently he has simply gone round me and published on
the front-end which was my section with regards to e.g. authorship,
copyright law here in the Netherlands. (he earns money off doing this
of course.. basically at my expense )

My question is.. 

Can I simply publish the whole project for developers 'open source' or
do I still need some kind of permission from him?? do I need it
anymore, at all, ever? 

We had no formal contracts, I see it this way; the trust has been
broken so I don't feel I need his permission anymore.. if at all, but
am curious what you all think.. 

Kind regards, Sam 

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