In our Flex 2 project, we use a swc file generated from within the
Flash 9 IDE, saved as lib/assets/Widgets.swc. We include it into an
intermediary swc file that we build to host our custom components for
reuse across projects. In FlexBuilder 2, we added the
lib/assets/Widgets.swc to the intermediary components swc's library
path, and everything worked.

Our website deploys with an automated build script, so we use the
command-line flex compiler to compile the projects for production.
However, when compiling from the command line, I am unable to include
the Widgets swc into our intermediary swc. Here is an example of the

/usr/local/flex/bin/compc -o intermediate.swc
--compiler.external-library-path lib/assets --source-path=.
lib.Element1 lib.Element2 lib.ElementN
Loading configuration file /usr/local/flex/frameworks/flex-config.xml
Error: unable to load SWC
/Actionscript/components/lib/assets/Widgets.swc: symbol 0 not defined

I have also tried compiling with --compiler.library-path, and get the
same result. I don't know what to make of this 'symbol 0 not defined'
error. Has anyone else seen it?

Thanks for any help or advice,

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