Error: Invalid server root. flex-config.xml or
flex-enterprise-services.xml must exist in the WEB-INF/flex folder
within the server root.
Trying to create flex data services project with Weblogic8.1 as the
j2ee server, but am geting the above error in the screen where i point
to the root of the
am trying to create a Flex Data Service Project. When i tried to
validate the server root location it poped up with an error
" Invalid server root Flex-config.xml, flex-enterprise-status.xml must
exist in the WEB-INF/flex folder within the server root"
But am able to locate these files under
Hi All,
Can anyone tell me how to install flex data services on weblogic 8.1 sp5.
I tried to create a flex data service project ,in one of the
fields i need to enter the root folder of the flex data services server.
I pointed it to the weblogic server .When i tried to validate the
location it looke
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