Hello Guys,

today i had a problem with the accordion component.
i want to bind the "y" property of a canvas to the "y" property of a
individual accordionheader.
after initialisiation the binding works fine, but if i click on an
accordionheader the binding get lost and the canvas don't follow the

here the code to unterstand better my problem:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
layout="absolute" creationComplete="init()">
                        import mx.controls.Button;
                        private var myAccordionHeader:Button;
                        private function init():void {
                                myAccordionHeader = myAccordion.getHeaderAt(1);
        <mx:Canvas width="10" height="10" y="{myAccordionHeader.y}"
backgroundColor="#FF0000" />
        <mx:Accordion id="myAccordion" x="10">
                <mx:Canvas label="Title1">
                                <mx:Canvas width="100" height="10" 
backgroundColor="#FFF000" />
                                <mx:Canvas width="100" height="10" 
backgroundColor="#FFFF00" />
                                <mx:Canvas width="100" height="10" 
backgroundColor="#FFF000" />
                                <mx:Canvas width="100" height="10" 
backgroundColor="#FFFF00" />
                                <mx:Canvas width="100" height="10" 
backgroundColor="#FFF000" />
                                <mx:Canvas width="100" height="10" 
backgroundColor="#FFFF00" />
                                <mx:Canvas width="100" height="10" 
backgroundColor="#FFF000" />
                                <mx:Canvas width="100" height="10" 
backgroundColor="#FFFF00" />
                                <mx:Canvas width="100" height="10" 
backgroundColor="#FFF000" />
                                <mx:Canvas width="100" height="10" 
backgroundColor="#FFFF00" />
                                <mx:Canvas width="100" height="10" 
backgroundColor="#FFF000" />
                                <mx:Canvas width="100" height="10" 
backgroundColor="#FFFF00" />
                                <mx:Canvas width="100" height="10" 
backgroundColor="#FFF000" />
                                <mx:Canvas width="100" height="10" 
backgroundColor="#FFFF00" />
                                <mx:Canvas width="100" height="10" 
backgroundColor="#FFF000" />
                                <mx:Canvas width="100" height="10" 
backgroundColor="#FFFF00" />
                <mx:Canvas label="Title2">
                <mx:Canvas label="Title3">

And here is the online demo:


Greets, Matthias

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