
I don't do a lot of animation code, so I was hoping some of the experts here 
could help get me started with this problem.

I need to animate a value in a custom component. The Animation code is hard 
coded into the component, but an easer may be applied in the component skin. I 
have figured out how to animate the value just fine. However, the end value may 
change during the course of the animation, at which point it would need to 
adjust it's easing to the new value if needed.

I'm not quite sure what the best way is to go about easing to a new value in 
mid animation.

An example use case would be a slider bar that will settle on the current mouse 
position over that bar. 

If anyone would be willing to share some ideas on the best way to go about it, 
it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time!

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