Hi All,


  I am haing an issue with sending data from Server to the client using the AMF 


  Most of the method invocations on the RemoteObject are throwing the following 



  bubbles = false
  cancelable = true
  currentTarget = (null)
  eventPhase = 2
  fault = (mx.rpc::Fault)#1
    content = (null)
    errorID = 0
    faultCode = "Server.Processing"
    faultDetail = (null)
    faultString = "Cannot send a null Map key for type 'java.util.HashMap'."
    message = "faultCode:Server.Processing faultString:'Cannot send a null Map 
key for type 'java.util.HashMap'.' faultDetail:'null'"
    name = "Error"
    rootCause = (null)
  headers = (null)
  message = (mx.messaging.messages::ErrorMessage)#2
    body = (null)
    clientId = "22E55FB1-910E-312F-E37A-ED5167139CB0"
    correlationId = "4DB54224-662A-C596-D165-F7C3EBB64DB8"
    destination = "TimeMap"
    extendedData = (null)
    faultCode = "Server.Processing"
    faultDetail = (null)
    faultString = "Cannot send a null Map key for type 'java.util.HashMap'."
    headers = (Object)#3
    messageId = "22E56255-D62F-2ACF-4DA5-CF1E4D6353BB"
    rootCause = (null)
    timestamp = 1266877198902
    timeToLive = 0
  messageId = "22E56255-D62F-2ACF-4DA5-CF1E4D6353BB"
  statusCode = 0
  target = (null)
  token = (mx.rpc::AsyncToken)#4
    message = (mx.messaging.messages::RemotingMessage)#5
      body = (Array)#6
      clientId = (null)
      destination = "TimeMap"
      headers = (Object)#7
        DSEndpoint = "my-amf"
        DSId = "22E53936-7E0E-B21C-C936-EF1078000306"
      messageId = "4DB54224-662A-C596-D165-F7C3EBB64DB8"
      operation = "getMapKey"
      source = (null)
      timestamp = 0
      timeToLive = 0
    responders = (Array)#8
      [0] (com.universalmind.cairngorm.events::Callbacks)#9
        conflictHandler = (null)
        faultHandler = (function)
        priority = 0
        resultHandler = (function)
    result = (null)
  type = "fault"



The Spring bean which is exposed as a Remote Object has the following method 



public String getMapKey() {
        return mapKey;



I am unable to understand why AMF Channel or Blaze DS is treating the String as 
HashMap !!!


This was working pefectly fine till yesterday !!


The version of the BlazeDS i am using is : blazeds_turnkey_3-0-0-544

and the Flex SDK Version is : flex_sdk_3.5.0.12683


We recently upgraded to Flex 3.5.0 version earlier we were using 3.3 version




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