Hi Folks,

Have an infuriating one here. I am using color pickers to allow the user to change the colors on the headers of an ADG. The background picker works beautifully using:

AdvancedDataGrid.headerColors="{[columnHeaderBackPckr.selectedColor, '#FFFFFF']}"

However I am about shove a fork in my eye trying to get the header text color changer working. It's set (how I haven't been able to discover) to an off-sea green color and no matter what I do to change the color of the text, it's not working. I have tried:


   and on the color picker itself:

   which uses a simple method of:

private function setReportHeaderTextColor(evt:ColorPickerEvent):void

Ironically, both the color= and the change= works perfectly on a standard dataGrid but the ADG is just ignoring it. Any ideas?? I have googled about everything I can find without much success.

Thanks in advance for the help!!

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