I was just going through an old Flex 2 charting app I did.  And one of the
things I, and my prospective users, wanted to do was to drill down into a
legend label.  (I got drill-down in the charts working....thanks to
quietlyscheming   --- that stuff was not documented anywhere then!)

I'm thinking of resurrecting that... Even though it was my first flex
application it still looks and operates better than anything I have done in
php, html, javscript, or C# asp.net since!!  Now, seeing it again,  I don't
know why I every let it die.  It was a skunk works project. You know,
outside the work your supposed to be doing!  (Then you have to take the time
to sell it around on the quiet....but I got busy)

Sooooo, anyway,  CAN you drill down into a legend item in FB3 or FB4?


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