Hi all,
Still in the learning phase of Flex's subtleties, I'm currently facing
an issue that is definitely starting to make me crazy :)...After
searching for hours on the web and in archives of various groups with
no luck, I thought maybe someone over here would be able to help me
out on this one... So, here it comes :

Basically, I think it comes down to creating sub-applications inside
subfolders of a project folder.... Is it possible ?

I would like to structure my project as follow :

  * bin (output)
  * src (actionscript classes)
  * ui (mxml files + assets (images etc...))
     * applicationA
     * applicationB
         - main.mxml

The problem I am facing, as you might guess, is that flex (FB) refuses
to compile the main.mxml files in each application subfolders.... I've
tried about everything when setting up the projet's build path, with
no luck... I can't seem to add the mxml files as runnable
applications, starting to believe the planned structure isn't simply
compatible with flex?

Is it possible to use such a setup, or should I completely reconsider
it's architecture?

Thank you very much in advance for your attention, any kind of help
would be terribly appreciated!


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