Hi, I'm applying the zoom effect to multiple UIComponents on a canvas. If I move the mouse quickly off one zoomed component and onto another, sometimes the first will not reverse to its original size. I believe this is because the isPlaying flag is true if *any* instances of the effect are currently playing. Does anyone know a solution for this? I want instance one to shrink back down to original size even if I move quickly to instance 2.
TIA Code: public function doZoom(event:MouseEvent):void { if (zoomAll.isPlaying) { zoomAll.reverse(); } else { // If this is a ROLL_OUT event, play the effect backwards. // If this is a ROLL_OVER event, play the effect forwards. zoomAll.play([event.target], event.type == MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT ? true : false); if(event.type == "rollOut"){ zoomAll.end(); } // } } __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com