
It's been a while since I posted on the group, I've been lucky
enough to not have many big problems while developing with Flex in the
past 6 months!

But last week whilst testing a significant section of my flex
application, it was discovered that the flash client was having problems
receiving a result from the flash remoting gateway on certain occasions.

This is a BIG problem, especially as I am coming to the end of the
contract with my employer, and I'm trying to get the project wrapped up
for next week!

I am developing in Flex 1.5 (using remote objects to consume the
Coldfusion CFCs), with Coldfusion MX 7.0.2 running in the back end, and
MS SQL 2005 (although i dont think the databse is anything to do with
the problem), on a Windows Server 2003 SP2 server.

I have ruled out a number of issues that I believe could be the problem,

   Network connections (the flash client can communicate with the server
no problem, initially!)

   Coldfusion (the CFC method is being invoked successfully, and
returning the result to - I dump the result to a html log file)

   Flash Remoting Gateway (The log files confirm that the gateway
completes sending the result back to the )

   Flash Client (I have tried replicating the steps followed on a number
of different client machines, all fail at the same point)

When the Flex application initially loads, it invokes 23 methods in the
Coldfusion CFC, which returns all the results with no problem.

The user then adds some data to the form on the flash client (the Flex
application).  The form contains a combo box that the user selects a
category from.  When the category changes, a CFC method is invoked (one
of the 23 that was invoked only moments earlier), which returns a
Boolean value, to check if the category has any sub categories.

>From time to time (and more often than not) when this method is invoked,
the flash client just sits idle with the timer icon spinning around (it
is waiting for a response from the flash remoting gateway).

I have checked the flash remoting gateway log files, and the result is
being returned by the gateway.  It seems that the flash client is not
receiving the response.

There are many other sections in the application where flex/flash
clients consume Coldfusion CFC's, again they can be temperamental and
hang, waiting for a response indefinitely!

I believe my Flex application is ok, as it successfully invokes the CFC
method without any problems; it just seems to hang on certain occasions.
Maybe the flash remoting gateway is not correctly configured?

I also thought it might be a http connection issue with the server, but
as far as i know, the CFCs are invoked, the result is sent back, and the
http connection is closed.

I also thought it might have been a session-based issue with the
Coldfusion CFCs, but i think i have ruled that out.

If anyone could help me I would be in serious debt to them!  As I said I
am coming to the end of this project and I don't need this problem
right now.  I have tired ruling out every possibility, but to no end can
I find the source of the problem.



p.s. here is a dump of the flash remoting gateway log when the flex
application is first loaded in the browser, and the result of the first
CFC method invocation...

4/26 12:22:41 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Creating Service for
4/26 12:22:41 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Creating gateway connection for
4/26 12:22:41 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Successfully created Service
4/26 12:22:41 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Creating Service for
4/26 12:22:41 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Successfully created Service
ERROR: ComboBox dataProvider must be instance of Array, ResultSet, or
implement the DataProvider methods
4/26 12:22:42 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Invoking rgetSoilTypes on
4/26 12:22:42 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Invoking rgetDurabilities on
4/26 12:22:42 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Invoking rgetGenusNames on
4/26 12:22:42 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Invoking rgetSpeciesNames on
4/26 12:22:42 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Invoking rgetCategories on
4/26 12:22:42 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Invoking rgetColours on
4/26 12:22:42 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Invoking rgetHardiness on
4/26 12:22:42 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Invoking rgetComposts on
4/26 12:22:42 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Invoking rgetGrowthHabits on
4/26 12:22:42 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Invoking rgetToxicities on
4/26 12:22:42 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Invoking rgetCommonNames on
4/26 12:22:42 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Invoking rgetLightLevels on
4/26 12:22:42 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Invoking rgetPositions on
4/26 12:22:42 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Invoking rgetSeasons on
4/26 12:22:42 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Invoking rgetNatureFeatures on
4/26 12:22:43 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Invoking rgetFoliageTypes on
4/26 12:22:43 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Invoking rgetFertilities on
4/26 12:22:43 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Invoking rgetGrowthRates on
4/26 12:22:43 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Invoking rgetMoistures on
4/26 12:22:43 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Invoking rgetsoilpHs on
4/26 12:22:43 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Invoking rgetSkillLevels on
4/26 12:22:43 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Invoking rGetDurabilities on
4/26 12:22:43 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF: Invoking rgetSoilTypes on
WARNING: no result handler was set for a method that returned data.
WARNING: The method just returned: [object Object]
4/26 12:22:45 [INFO] RemoteObject_AMF:
remoting.miscTables.rgetSoilTypes() returned {_items: [{soilType:
"Chalky", soilTypeDesc: "Soil with strong alkaline presence",
soilTypeID: 20},
           {soilType: "Clay", soilTypeDesc: "Clay soil ", soilTypeID:
           {soilType: "Fertile", soilTypeDesc: "Rich in nutrients",
soilTypeID: 18},
           {soilType: "Loamy",
                soilTypeDesc: "Almost normal soil, squarely between clay
and sandy, crumbles easily in your hands.",
                soilTypeID: 21},
           {soilType: "Peaty", soilTypeDesc: "Open light structure.",
soilTypeID: 16},
           {soilType: "Sandy", soilTypeDesc: "Sandy soil is very sandy",
soilTypeID: 6},
           {soilType: "Silty", soilTypeDesc: "Free draining soil.",
soilTypeID: 17}],
      gateway_conn: {_config: {_debug: true,
                app_server: {_debug: true,
                     amf: false,
                     amfheaders: false,
                     coldfusion: true,
                     error: true,
                     httpheaders: false,
                     recordset: true,
                     trace: true},
                client: {_debug: true, http: true, recordset: true, rtmp:
true, trace: true},
                realtime_server: {_debug: true, trace: true}},
           _headerAdded: true,
           _id: 0,
           _protocol: "http",
           contentType: "application/x-fcs",
           netDebugProxyFunctions: true},
      mRecordsAvailable: 7,
      mTitles: ["soilTypeID", "soilType", "soilTypeDesc"],
      serverInfo: null,
      uniqueID: 0}

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