I am using a flex tree and I want to make a call to HTTP service  when
user selects one of the items in the tree. I have an XML something
like this.

  <group label="FlexCoders">
    <user label="abc" id="123"/>
    <user label="def" id="456"/>
  <group label="FlexDev">
    <user label="ghi" id="123"/>
    <user label="jkl" id="456"/>

I pass this XML to a tree 

<mx:Tree id="myTree".... click="postData()" labelField="@label"/>

Now when the user clicks on one of the items I try to fetch
myTree.selectedItem.id and send it to a HTTPService. Unlike Datagrid,
this does not work for the tree and I am not getting any values for
id. Is there any way I could get the value of id for the selected tree

Any help would be grealty appreciated.


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