I have a datagrid with an arrayCollection data provider. On a button
click, I call a method to update the dataGrid. Some of the cells in
the datagrid are supplied by comboBoxes and Numeric Steppers. The
following are the problems that I am having:

1. When using the itemRenderer="mx.controls.NumericStepper", a numeric
stepper is deployed into the datagrid as intended. But the maximum
value becomes 10 and does not keep the maximum value of the original
numeric stepper (i.e, any values of more than 10 will be changed to 10
when placed in the datagrid). How do I get the numeric stepper into
the datagrid with the original maximum value?

2. When using the itemRenderer="mx.controls.ComboBox", an empty
combobox is sent to the datagrid and not the comboBox populated with
the original choices (with the user's choice the one selected). Note
that if I use itemRenderer="mx.controls.TextInput", the user's choice
populates the datagrid cell but it is only text and not the combobox.
How can I get the original comboBox (with the user's choice selected)
into the datagrid cell?

I just started learning Flex, so all suggestions with accompanied code
are appreciated. Thanks

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
layout="absolute" backgroundGradientAlphas="[1.0, 1.0]"
backgroundGradientColors="[#FDFDFD, #FDFCFC]">
            import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
            import mx.controls.List;
            import mx.controls.CheckBox;    
            import mx.controls.ComboBox;
            private var myArray1:Array = new Array("a", "b", "c");
            private var myArray2:Array = new Array("a", "b", "c");
            private var myArray3:Array = new Array("a", "b", "c");
            private var dataGridProvider:ArrayCollection = new
            private var selectCheckBox:CheckBox = new CheckBox();
            private var cb:ComboBox = new ComboBox();
            private function updateTable():void
                //Add the new data into the table (into the next row
of the table)
col2:cb1.selectedLabel,col3: input1.text, col4:cb2.selectedLabel,
                 col5:ns1.value ,col6:cb3.selectedLabel, col7:ns2.value});
                //Update the table's dataprovider with the updated
task row
                table.dataProvider = dataGridProvider;
                //Clear the data from the new task input form 
                cb1.selectedIndex = -1;
                input1.text = null;
                cb2.selectedIndex = -1;
                ns1.value = 0;
                cb2.selectedIndex = -1;
                ns2.value = 0;
            private function removeTaskRecord():void
                //Check if the checkbox for the task is selected 
selected index is greater than or equal to 0)
                    //Remove the task record from the Data Grid data
    <mx:Panel width="1027" height="382" layout="absolute"
borderColor="#0C2B73" left="10" bottom="10">
        <mx:DataGrid x="10" y="10" width="984" height="295"
wordWrap="true" id="table" dataProvider="{dataGridProvider}"
draggableColumns="false" variableRowHeight="true">
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="col1" dataField="col1"
editable="true" itemRenderer="mx.controls.CheckBox" width="50"
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="col2" dataField="col2"
 editable="true" itemRenderer="mx.controls.TextInput"/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="col3" dataField="col3"
editable="true" itemRenderer="mx.controls.TextInput"/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="col4" dataField="col4"
editable="true" itemRenderer="mx.controls.TextInput"/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="col5" dataField="col5"
editable="true" itemRenderer="mx.controls.NumericStepper"/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="col6" dataField="col6"
editable="true" itemRenderer="mx.controls.TextInput"/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="col7" dataField="col7"
editable="true" itemRenderer="mx.controls.NumericStepper"/>
        <mx:Button x="921" y="313" label="Remove" id="removeBtn"
enabled="true" click="removeTaskRecord()"/>
    <mx:Panel width="520" height="308" layout="absolute" left="10"
top="33" borderColor="#0C2B73">
        <mx:ComboBox x="10" y="40" id="cb1" dataProvider="{myArray1}"
width="169" selectedIndex="-1"></mx:ComboBox>
        <mx:TextInput x="202" y="40" width="255" id="input1"/>
        <mx:ComboBox x="10" y="107" dataProvider="{myArray2}"
selectedIndex="-1" id="cb2"></mx:ComboBox>
        <mx:ComboBox x="202" y="107" dataProvider="{myArray3}"
selectedIndex="-1" id="cb3"></mx:ComboBox>
        <mx:NumericStepper x="10" y="179" maximum="25" id="ns1"/>
        <mx:NumericStepper x="202" y="179" maximum="25" id="ns2"/>
        <mx:Button x="392" y="218" label="Submit"  id="sbBtn"

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