Hi all, 

With my server in the shop, I figured now was a good time to start
from scratch with my gallery data programming. I found a thumbscroller
originally populated by a flickr service, and moved it local (I can
give the link when I find it! LOL). Now, visually, it's exactly what I
want (temporarily it's available on my crap-box:
is enabled. Data-wise, it's actually Part 2 of a 3 part process.

Part 1: grab the proper gallery file (blue.xml, green.xml, cathy.xml,
cathy_in_paris.xml, etc.) by way of it being somehow passed to the
thumbscroller from one of three locations: 

a) a tree directly as part of the xml in the 'galleries.xml' file
(which always populates the tree). In other words, you click 'cathy'
as an end-node in the tree, and one of the attributes of that node is
'gURL=cathy.xml' which is passed to and loads into the thumbscroller
(currently called, generically enough 'service' in the code below)

b) from a similar thumbscroller on my homepage, which will show
something like the latest 20 images on the server (either by a live db
query or I can just make it part of the admin area to populate a
'galleries_newest.xml' file); when one image is clicked, you will jump
to the "Images" page, and the gallery in which the image you clicked
will be opened in the thumbscroller, the image opened as well, and
hopefully too that tree node will be opened.

c) from a similar mechanism as (b) but as links in my blog/comments
area...same idea exactly, click the link and end up in the gallery
which has the image, and that tree node will be expanded.

Part 2: follows (the code I'm currently using)

Part 3: the big image itself, which ends up in a TabNavigator on the
same page as the tree and the thumbscroller. For all of a,b and c
above, the image clicked in the thumbscroller is loaded into the big
image area in the tab. For building, I am not even worried about the
TabNavigator, I'll build with a simple canvas as the image container
and complicate it later.

Part 2 is what I have, and I already have problems. I'm use "blue" and
"green" buttons to try and figure out how to pass the service a new
url, but what I have merely appends ad infinitum to whatever was
already there:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                        private function loadBlue():void {      
                        private function loadGreen():void {
        <mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%" horizontalCenter="0"
                        width="90%" height="100" horizontalCenter="0" 
verticalCenter="0" />
                <mx:Button x="61" y="283" label="blue" click="loadBlue()"/>
                <mx:Button x="164" y="283" label="green" click="loadGreen()"/>

I am dealing with this:

Grab the gallery xml file>populate the thumbscroller with that
file>load a big image when a particular image in that gallery is
clicked - in all cases above.

I think what I need to figure out is a way to get Parts 1,2 and 3 all
working together properly. Tracy has mentioned previously using an
array value as my entry point, but I'm not at all certain how to apply
this in such a broad manner. (Again, I can point to a link when my
server is back from the shop.)

Any suggestions for any part of my problem would be greatly
appreciated. It's for what I hope will be one of the best gallery/blog
apps around, and the entire thing is going to be freely available, and
open-source, for anyone interested in it. If anyone is, that is LOL.


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