I have used the code generator in Flex and it was fairly smooth. All
the web methods from the WSDL were corrected generated and call/result
pairs come in bug-free.

However, I can't figure out how to add some SOAP headers to the
service so that every call can contain my headers. Does anyone have
experience with this? I really do like the generator and do not want
to manually write my service code. (There are too many web methods).

I see a BaseXYZService which extends from AbstractWebService, however,
calling its addHeader method succeeds, but no headers were included in
the actual SOAP message.  I noticed that the generated code uses
WSDLOperation and other WSDLxxx objects, which probably does not honor
AbstractWebService.headers array. (I assume those WSDLxxx are used by
Apache Axis 2, can anyone point me to the source?)

Any help to add headers to the Flex generated webservice code is

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