I am needing to use spreadsheet data in my Xcelsius project and also use
Flex to  create custom components. I was able to successfully build and
deploy a Flex  custom component into Xcelsius, however, this component
used hard-coded data  inside the Flex source to compile the charts. This
is not a workable solution  for us as we need to be able to use the
inherent data in Xcelsius spreadsheets  to bind to the custom components
we bring into Xcelsius.

So...how can I  bind the spreadsheet data from Xcelsius to the custom
Flex component  charts/graphs to create a visualization or population of
the graph? Xcelsius  graphs are able to use the properties panel to
create "titles" and create the  data connection, however, my new custom
component from Flex does not have this  properties panel available. This
panel is empty. Is there a way to either create  properties to use or
enable Xcelsius to bind inherent properties to my custom  components?

I found in the book "Xcelsis 2008: Dashboard Best  Practices", written
by Loren Abdulezer who is also connected with Xcelsius  Journal, that is
states to modify a line of code from a previous example in the  book.
The instructions don't directly fix the problem because they only
address  the example used in the book and not a generic, custom
application. Here is the  abridged code from the previous sample 

package  com.anl.book.basicslider
import  mx.controls.HSlider;
import  mx.controls.Label;
[CxInspectableList ("title",  "showTitle")]
[Inspectable(defaultValue="showTitle",  type="String")]
[Inspectable(defaultValue="Title",  type="String")]

There is also a get/set function for  each "title" and "showTitle"

public function get  title():String{...}
public function set  title(value:String):void):String{...}
public function get  showTitle():String{...}
public function set  showTitle(value:String):void):String{...}

The steps  for the fix are as follows:
1. Change the line of code in the  BasicHorizontalSlider.as file from 
[CxInspectableList("title","showTitle")] to 
2. Save  file
3. Re-compile the SWF
4. Rebuld the .xlx file for  Xcelsius
5. Load the new component

I suppose my question  would be how does this solution get modified to
my example or for any other  example in the future? The previous sample
referenced by  BasicHorizontalSlider.as is a app which displays a
sliding bar displaying  the x-value in a tooltip as you drag the control
left and right. So, then is the  element CxInspectableList the variable
which needs to be changed per  usage?

Support from SAP, on a separate discussion thread I am having, has
stated the  following in a separate discussion thread on their boards:

When the Xcelsius 2008 Default Property Sheet loads for your add-on this
is  what is does:

    * Looks for the
meta  data in your add-on class

    * So you must have a property in your add-on class for each name in 
    * The property sheet will have an entry for each name in
CxInspectableList --  the data type is picked up from the Inspectable
meta-data for each property.
    * You can define a property in Flex as a public var (and Flex
generates a  getter and setter for you) or you create your own getter
and setter as we do for  the majority of our properties.
    * The reason you see us you our own getter and setter (for example
with the  title) is so we can detect when the title has been changed (so
the setter has  been called) and do something to update our add-on

So for  each property that you want to see in the Xcelsius 2008 Default
Property Sheet  you need to:

    * Create the property in your add-on, add the http://Inspectable
<http://inspectable/> (...+) meta data for your  property.
    * Add the property name to CxInspectableList
    * Re-compile your SWF.
    * Re-package your XLX
    * Re-import the XLX into Xcelsius
Then if you have done things  correctly you should see your new property
in the add-on property sheet.
My code snippet for the attempted fix, as instructed by SAP's support,
is  as follows:
public var scores:String;
public var names:String;
public  var scoreValues:Number;


Somewhere  I am doing something wrong, however, I cant determine where
my errors are  located...hmmmmmm.

Does the fact that I am wanting to databind to a BarChart have an effect
of the  coding syntax? If in my first example the code was
straightforward for using  only one linear value of data to populate a
sliding control bar, I would presume  the syntax for a bar chart would
be contain more variables and be slightly more  complex?

Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
Alex Dove

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