Hi all-  

First off I know that this is not the Adobe Air forum however I
believe that some people have migrated the example I cite in this
message to flex 2 and I was wondering if anyone here had come across
it and also I was hoping someone might help me with my compile issues.
Please note that I am making it very clear that any technical faults
that are occuring lie with me and not the sample. 

Ok to my problem:

I came across an excellent Air app sample created in Flex. Some of you
may be familar with it and I need some advise.

The app sample code I downloaded was the Salesbuilder Air App

I created Salesbuilder Air App project in flex 3 and used the
"Import>Existing project s into workspace" option in Flex 3 to import
the sample code.

However it will not run within flex 3 giving me the following message;

"The file is not launchable!" I think the problem is with the
salesbuilder.mxml file. It opens (i.e. I can view in source) in Flex 2
but will not open in Flex 3. When I say problem I'm pretty sure its
something I'm doing wrong.

My next step was to try another sample as a test. I downloaded the
sample code for the Adobes employeedirector Air application.
Once imported I was then able to run the app sucessfully within the
Flex 3 environment. So now I know that I can run an Air app within
Flex 3 however I am none the wiser as to what the issue is with
Salesbuilder Air App

The following are screenshots of the sample files in FB3 and the error

Any suggestions would really, really be appreciated. I'm running XP
SP2 with 2 MHZ and 2 gig ram

Thanks a lot, Garrett

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