Does anyone know how to have multiple modules load inside a view stack in flash 

So you have something like this:

<mx:ViewStack id="myViewStack">
  <s:NavigatorContent id="one">
    <mx:ModuleLoader id="oneModule"/>
  <s:NavigatorContent id="two">
    <mx:ModuleLoader id="twoModule"/>
  <s:NavigatorContent id="three">
    <mx:ModuleLoader id="threeModule"/>

 The problem is this - when the app first loads, the modules within the first 
navigatorContent show fine the others just load as a blank screen and do 
nothing.  Now granted some of the modules may make the same restful interface 
call and flex doesn't enable anything to run in a thread like system but why 
can't I get the modules to load?  I am not working on a web page but a real 
time monitor and control system and so to save bandwidth and memory I want to 
load and unload the modules based on which navigatorContent is active.  I have 
googled and tried many solutions, all to no avail.  I have resorted back to 
pulling out the code from the modules and adding them as direct components 
which works but isn't optimized.  PLEASE HELP!



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