My colleague is hitting an OutOfMemory error when building an
application library with compc from ant. We've previously had to set the
fork attribute to true (as suggested here and there for OutOfMemory
errors) and set the maxmemory attribute to "512m". However, now he's
getting the error again, and the machine reports this before getting
anywhere near the max: he uses ~100MB and then the compc task fails.
He's using about 1/2 of 4GB of memory total. Any ideas? This is a 64-bit
Windows Server 2003 system with Flex SDK 3.0.0. The weirdest part is
that this still *seems* to produce a working .swc, but I'm (I hope
understandably) somewhat wary of it.
Maciek Sakrejda
Truviso, Inc.

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