I need help on how to draw a pie chart from XML data. The requirement 
is to show a pie chart of people's answers to a survey question. The
values in the <a> nodes is what I need to use to draw my pie chart.

I am able to retrieve XML data by doing:

<mx:HTTPService id="surveyTree" url="data/surveyTree.xml" 
resultFormat="xml" />

My XML looks like this:

<Surveys label="non">               
  <Survey label="Survey 101">
    <Q label="Question 1">
      <a label="Simple and Smooth">23</a>
      <a label="Somewhat Complicated">60</a>
      <a label="Very Complicated">2</a>
    <Q label="Question 2">
      <a label="Simple and Smooth">23</a>
      <a label="Somewhat Complicated">60</a>
      <a label="Very Complicated">2</a>

(I think my problem is how to extract an array from the xml. I need an
answer array for each question separately.)

Thanks in advance. 

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