(I also posted this on the adobe labs forum.  Apologies if you see it 

I've tried several examples of using the flex component kit for Flash 
AS3 and none of them are working for me.  Whenever I run the "Convert 
Symbol to Flex Component Command," I get the following output:

Command made the following changes to the FLA:
  Turned on Permit Debugging
  Turned on Export SWC
  Set frame rate to 24
  Imported FlexComponentBase component to library
Symbol "BallComponent" can be used as a Flex component.
Select File > Publish to create the SWC file for use in Flex.

This appears to be correct but after adding the SWC to the flex 
library, my flex application does not seem to "see" the new 
component.  I've managed to pull in components that others have made 
with Flash AS3 and the component kit so I don't think I'm doing 
anything wrong on the flex side.

I noticed that in Flash, FlexComponentBase does not show up in my 
library after converting my symbol to a flex component.  
Additionally, nothing happens when I drag FlexComponentBase into my 
library.  It just doesn't show up.  When I go to the properties 
dialog for my exported component and try to validate 
mx.flash.UIMovieClip, I get the following message:

A definition for the base class could not be found in the classpath.  
Please enter the name of a class that is defined in the classpath, or 
enter the default base class 'flash.display.MovieClip'.

I suspected there was something wrong with my installation of Flash 
CS3 or the Component Kit so I just uninstalled and reinstalled Flash 
CS3, Flex Builder, and the component kit with the same results.

I've now seen the same behavior with Flash CS3 9.0.2, Flex Builder 3 
(tried both beta 2 and beta 3), and component kit 1.1.2.

Has anyone seen this behavior before?

Thanks in advance,

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