Good morning all,

I'm trying to set up a tree control so that branch items open and close
on select just as if somebody had clicked the twirly.

I've got everything taken care of but I need to find a way to
programatically deselect the branch item.

Here's the code problem:

In my Tree change event handler

public function handleTreeChangeEvent(event:Event):void
         //some code

if (selectedVideoId != '')
         trace(selectedVideoId + " is the selected video");
         if (videoTree.isItemOpen(selectedVideo))
             videoTree.expandItem(selectedVideo, false, true);
             //**** I now need to deselect this tree item
             videoTree.expandItem(selectedVideo, true, true);
             //****  I now need to deselect this tree item.

See the //**** comments for details on what I'm trying to do.

I very much appreciate any light anybody can shine on this, I've been
beating up google and the API docs for the last few hours with no



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