Here is some code of what I am using today:

private function startAliveDeadCheck():void {
startMonitor("", 80);
private function startMonitor(location:String, port:uint):void {
        monitor = new SocketMonitor(location, port);
        monitor.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, checkStatus);
        monitor.pollInterval = 1000; // every second
private function checkStatus(e:StatusEvent):void {
if (monitor.available) {
connectFlag.text = "ONLINE";
} else {
connectFlag.text = "OFFLINE";

 The code works fine if you are monitoring one and only one socket.  I wanted 
to modify the code to handle a bindable arraycollection but can never seem to 
pull the data out. I try changing the first function to use this:

[Bindable] private var socketsToMonitor:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{ip:"", port:80, aliveOrDead:false, monitor:},

{ip:"", port:8080, aliveOrDead:false, monitor:}


everything is fine.  but I hit errors when trying to pull out each array and 
starting a monitor on it.  I tried
for each (item in socketsToMonitor) {


 I get an [Object object] and not the IP address.  Any idea's of where I am 
going wrong.  Once I even achieve this I am assuming my attempt to monitor 
function will need to be redone.  I welcome any pointers and thanks for the 



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