--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Tracy Spratt" <tspr...@...> wrote:
> An HBox in a Form is a very different thing than a Form in an HBox.
> A container is going to layout its children according to is own rules.
> You can't expect it to alter those rules depending upon its parent.  
> Tracy Spratt 
> Lariat Services 

Assuming these are done with styles, is there any cascading in these
styles? I would think that a child would conform to the styles of its
parent. I mean they put the "C" in "CSS" for a reason. I've already
noticed that any styles declared against, say a ComboBox, don't seem
to apply to any OO descendants of combobox. So do we need to rename
Flex stylesheets from css to just ss? I acknowledge the fact that this
is indeed the way things are, but I feel that it more likely a naive
implementation of cascading styles rather than a deliberate decision.
Just like the problem with certain global resources in modules, like
the resourcemanager, might go missing at odd moments unless you do
certain things, it is the way it is, but that doesn't make it any less
a bug, nor does it make it a thing that shouldn't be fixed.
Ok, deep breath...thank you very much for your reply. I agree that it
is most probably my misconception in this case that just because when
I apply a style to xml, or html, or xhtml, a container sure does alter
its rules based on those of its parent, again based on the little "c"
in "css", it is wrong of me to assume that mxml would react the same
way, or that anyone would feel a need to either make it consistent
with the rest of the world or document the difference anywhere. But
you've been kind in making a reply to me, again, thank you.

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