I've created an example that illustrates the issue described below:

If you click on the displayLocalTime checkbox, you can see that setting this 
value to true causes all days in the month to be displayed; however, it breaks 
the alignment of the data points to their corresponding labels. If you set this 
value to false (uncheck the box), it does not display the 31st; however, the 
data points line up nicely..

Setting this value to true forces the datetimeaxis to use local time, if it is 
set to false, it references the UTC time values stored in the date objects 
passed in via the minimum at maximum properties. If anyone has any ideas it 
would be greatly appreciated!

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "c0mpl3xxx" <ktya...@...> wrote:
> I'm having an issue when trying to use the DateTimeAxis to map a set of 
> values to a ColumnChart. The dataProvider for my chart includes a months 
> worth data (currently 31 days). I setup my DateTimeAxis with a minimum date 
> for the 1st of the month, and a maximum date for the 31st of the month. I 
> have setup a parseFunction to ensure that all my dates times are zeroed out 
> (i.e. initializing each date with zero prior to assigning the date values). I 
> had to do this to get the chart elements to line up properly. 
> The issue now seems to be with the displayLocalTime property. When I set this 
> property to false, all the chart elements line up nicely (i.e. they align to 
> the tick marks and space out evenly); however, the last date in the data set 
> (the 31st) does not show up in the chart. If I set the property to true, all 
> of the dates show up; however, the alignment of the data points does not 
> match up with the tick marks and looks sloppy.
> The only hack that I've seemed to get to work thus far is to set the maximum 
> date to be one day past the date that I want to be my actual maximum (in this 
> case that would be the 1st of the next month).
> Has anyone else run into this?
> Thanks!
> -Kyle

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