See ICollectionView.


--- In, "Richard C Haven" <f...@...> wrote:
> I have several lookup tables, some of which refer to or are
relationships between others.
> For instance, I have `membership type included inventory` which has
Membership ID and Inventory Type ID and is the amount of each Inventory
Type that one gets when one gets a specific type of membership.
> When the user is reviewing an Inventory Type, I want them to see the
amounts that go with each Membership Type; when the user is reviewing a
Membership Type, I want them to see what inventory that membership would
> Can I use a only one ArrayCollection for InvetoryType instances and
only one ArrayCollection for MembershipType instances and somehow create
filters to get different "views" of the data?
> Each "view" would need its own cursor, sorting sequence, filter, etc.
> Cheers

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