I'd do something like this:

public function destroy():void{
 instance = null;

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Wally Kolcz <wko...@...> wrote:
> I want when the user logs out, the instance of the Singleton that 
> supports their global information to get set to null. How can you delete 
> a Singleton existence or set it to null?
> package org.mywindow.model
> {
>      [Bindable]
>      public final class UserDataModel {
>      private static var instance:UserDataModel;
>      public function UserDataModel(singletonEnforcer:MySingletonEnforcer) {
>          if (singletonEnforcer == null) {
>              throw new Error ("UserDataModel is a singleton class, use 
> getInstance() instead");
>          }
>      }
>          public static function getInstance():UserDataModel {
>              if (instance == null)
>              instance = new UserDataModel(new MySingletonEnforcer());
>              return instance;
>          }
>      }
> }
> class MySingletonEnforcer {}
> Thanks!

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