Thanks for your input Yuiy, let me know if you figgure something out :)

A workaround could be to wait for the Event.COMPLETE and then start sending
requests to the server asking for the stauts of the file uploaded (using a
Timer) - until you get a 'finished' status. It's a bit hacky though.


On 12/10/2007, Yuriy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   --- In <>, "bjorn
> -" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > we've created an app which uploads files using FileReference. We use the
> > Event.COMPLETE event to send another request to the server to retrieve
> > information about the uploaded file (e.g. thumbnail).
> >
> > This works great on Windows/Mac - however, we have a problem on Linux.
> >
> > It seems the Event.COMPLETE event is sent before the data returns
> from the
> > server on the Linux flashplayer (maybe it sends the event when it's
> finished
> > uploading the data?). Reading the docs the event shouldn't be sent
> before a
> > HTTP 200 is sent from the server.
> >
> > Just as a test I tried using
> >, that still worked
> > fine on Windows, but it actually crashed Firefox
> > on Linux.
> >
> > Is this a known problem?
> >
> > Bjørn
> > --
> >
> > ========================
> > - flex blog
> > - funny movies
> >
> I am actually seeing the exact same behavior on Windows XP machine. It
> seems like after a certain timeout FileReference is firing
> Event.COMPLETE without receiving an actual message from the server.
> I do some heavy stuff on the server side (converting pdf into images).
> I have a listener for UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA event, which works fine
> with smaller files. But when the file gets bigger (1.5 Mb) it takes
> about 20 sec to convert, and I see COMPLETE fired instead, after maybe
> 15 seconds. I traced communication between the two, and now I am 100%
> certain that:
> 1) There was no message from the server, nevertheless flash player
> fired the COMPLETE event.
> 2) There is a TIMEOUT setting, hidden somewhere deep inside the
> FileReference component, which we don't have control over.
> 3) Overall networking support in Flex (FP9) is extremely poor. I got
> really frustrated after reading the list of limitations in URLRequest
> class.
> I am relatively new to Flex, but if this kind of limitations keep
> popping up here and there, I may actually drop the entire RIA part of
> it. Still looking for a solution to this problem...


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