Excellent. That's exactly what I was looking for.

And a further tip that I just realized...

Seems to be a decent idea to nest a mx:Parallel in an mx:Sequence,
i.e. use the mx:Sequence to order things "addchild, transition,
removechild", etc. Otherwise, if you just put it in a mx:Parallel, it
happens, well, in parallel! ;)


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Sean Sell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anything not scripted in the transition happens immediately in the
transition. So you have to put in a transitions for the implied
>     <mx:transitions>
>         <mx:Transition fromState="loaded" toState="selected">
>             <mx:Parallel>
>                 <mx:Resize target="{associatesGrid}"
heightFrom="{associatesGrid.height}" heightTo="{.30 *
associatesGrid.height}" duration="1000"/>
>                 <mx:AddChildAction target="{associateVBox}"/>
>                 <mx:Dissolve target="{associateVBox}" alphaFrom="0"
alphaTo="1" duration="1500"/>
>             </mx:Parallel>
>         </mx:Transition>
>         <mx:Transition fromState="selected" toState="loaded">
>             <mx:Parallel>
>                 <mx:Resize target="{associatesGrid}" duration="1000"/>
>                 <mx:RemoveChildAction target="{associateVBox}"/>
>                 <mx:Dissolve target="{associateVBox}" alphaFrom="1"
alphaTo="0" duration="500"/>
>             </mx:Parallel>
>         </mx:Transition>
>     </mx:transitions>
>     <mx:states>
>         <mx:State name="loaded">
>             <mx:AddChild position="lastChild">
>                 <mx:Label id="label2" text="Select an associate from
the table below to see more information" fontWeight="bold"/>
>             </mx:AddChild>
>             <mx:AddChild position="lastChild">
>                 <homeComps:associatesDataGrid id="associatesGrid"
>             </mx:AddChild>
>             <mx:RemoveChild target="{label1}"/>
>         </mx:State>
>         <mx:State name="selected" basedOn="loaded">
>             <mx:RemoveChild target="{label2}"/>
>             <mx:SetProperty target="{associatesGrid}" name="height"
>             <mx:AddChild position="lastChild">
>                 <mx:VBox id="associateVBox" width="100%"
height="100%" borderColor="#808080" borderStyle="inset">
>                     <mx:Form>
>                         <mx:FormItem label="Name">
>                             <mx:Label
>                         </mx:FormItem>
>                         <mx:FormItem label="Type">
>                             <mx:Label
>                         </mx:FormItem>
>                         <mx:FormItem label="Agreement ID">
>                             <mx:Label
>                         </mx:FormItem>
>                         <mx:FormItem label="Project Title">
>                             <mx:Label
text="{model.home.selectedAssociate.associateProjectTitle}" />
>                         </mx:FormItem>
>                         <mx:FormItem label="Citizenship">
>                             <mx:Label
>                         </mx:FormItem>
>                     </mx:Form>
>                     <mx:Button label="Close"
>                 </mx:VBox>
>             </mx:AddChild>
>         </mx:State>
>     </mx:states>
>     <mx:Label id="label1" text="Please wait while the associate
records are retrieved" width="100%" textAlign="center" fontWeight="bold"/>
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Troy Gilbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 1:50:15 PM
> Subject: [flexcoders] States and transitions
>             I'm dabbling with states and transitions for the first
time, so pardon the inexperienced question...
> My UI is logically divided into "pages" like a traditional wizard
interface. Visually, I'd like my pages to slide in and out of view as
I transition to them. Specifically, you can think of it like all of
the pages are in a horizontal scroll box, so when I go from page 1 to
page 3 I want to scroll page 1 to the left, page 2 to the left and
scroll page 3 into view from the right. And then if I want to go from
page 3 back to page 1, I want to do the reverse: scroll page 3 out of
view to the right, scroll page 2 from left to right into and outof the
view, and finally scroll page 1 from the left into the view. This
would all be continously of course.
> The big thing that's tripping me up is the order in which state
changes occur. The impression I'm getting is that the actions for a
state (like AddChild, RemoveChild, SetPropertyValue) are executed
*then* the transition is applied. The problem is that I can't figure
out how to apply transition effects to my "outgoing" objects.
> For example, consider two pages, #1 and #2. My base state has both
pages hidden. I then have two states each with one of the pages
visible. If I have a transition from state 1 to state 2, page #1 is
hidden, then the transition plays. But I want the transition to
include page 1 (sliding it out of view).
> My question: is it possible to execute a transition on the current
state *before* the new state becomes active, then play a transition on
the new state... and better yet, is it possible to apply the settings
for the new state, perform the transitions, then remove the previous
states changes?
> Part of me thinks I really need some generalized "scroller" control
to contain my pages, but my gut tells me that states/transitions/
effects should give me all the tools I need to accomplish this. And
since I only have 5-6 states total, I'm cool with having to hardcode a
certain number of transitions (left to right, right to left, etc.).
> Thanks,
> Troy.
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