Smells like a fault in your amfphp service. Have a look at your service, make 
sure the syntax it right, make sure there's no content after the closing php 
tag etc.

You will get a better fault description by opening the service from the amfphp 
service browser.

Goto /amfphp/browser and check the fault.

good luck ;)

--- In, "markflex2007" <markflex2...@...> wrote:
>  Hi,
>  I have following code for amfphp.
>  import; 
>  private var connection:NetConnection;
>  private var gateway:String = "amfphp/gateway.php";
>  private function init():void
>  {
>     connection = new NetConnection();
>     connection.connect( gateway );
>  }
>  .....
> but I get error for "connection = new NetConnection();". the error is the 
> following:
> Unhandled NetStatusEvent:. level=error, code=NetConnection.Call.BadVersion
> I know flash always use it,why flex can not use it?
> Thanks
> Mark

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