got it figured out. I had commented out the init() on browserManager. dah.

On 10/25/07, aaron smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've got a slight problem that I don't know if this is something with my
> application, or with FL3.
> If I reset my browser / clear cache, and go to my page with a fragment in
> the link. The BrowserManager doesn't pick it up. Now as soon as I refresh
> the page it works. It's like something is being set by javascript or the
> iframe that on the initial load isn't available?
> I've put some code in a bunch of difference application events:
> trace(BrowserManager.getInstance().fragement)
> I put that in all these event handlers: creationComplete, render,
> initialize, addedToStage, add, applicationComplete
> This is replicable every single time. If the browser is completely clear
> of anything from this site, the fragements aren't picked up. as soon as I
> refresh it works great..
> Any ideas?

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