Stopping making personal comments....I invited people to the Webinar to see for themselves and ask some questions to clear the air.

If you're interested in personal comments and laughing while you self admittedly smoke weed,

You said it, "I'm a ho"

So there's nobody to blame but yourself, not your troll, or do they call those pimps.

I don't do drugs...and if you want some, I hope the DEA has someone on this list.

j'azz man musician you are the former not the latter.

Lay it to rest, or get a lay, or go smoke or whatever it is you said you do Mr. I'mHo who still uses aint, which is ain't, which you still use apparently from the loss of brain cells from your self admitted smoking.

On Aug 27, 2008, at 9:53 PM, Jon Bradley wrote:

On Aug 27, 2008, at 5:56 PM, Robert Thompson wrote:

Will they go too far? Microsoft did. Do you own research on that if you wondered what happened in the 90's. There's plenty of it. The case is posted, Discovery, Judgement.

I want some of what you're smoking. :P

I don't see how this is relevant to anything really. Aint going to affect 99.9% of us and this whole thread is just trolling imho.

- j

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