I had a nasty problem that cost me 5 hours. 5 Baffling hours. Life of a newbie.
I wanted to retrieve a simple COUNT from a table, group it by a field "tagname" and display the count of each tagname. I have a number of queries with COUNT that work fine. But not this time. AIR would return zero for each tagname. Here's the query: SELECT COUNT(tagsLU.tagid) as 'tagcount', tag.tagname as 'tagname' FROM TagsLU Inner Join tag on tag.tagid=tagslu.tagid Group By tag.tagname Order By tagcount DESC Here's the expected result, which SQLITE gives me quite generously: COUNT | TAGNAME 5 school 4 volunteer 2 casual 2 family 1 house 1 work Except when I called the query from my Flex app, AIR transforms the numbers to zero. Big fat 0. I tested and tested, converted the results to an array, tested more, and still no luck. Hours. I fixed the problem by changing the query. While SQLITE is cool with that COUNT(fieldname) statement, AIR doesn't like it. But it likes COUNT(*). SELECT COUNT(*) as 'tagcount', tag.tagname as 'tagname' FROM TagsLU Inner Join tag on tag.tagid=tagslu.tagid Group By tag.tagname Order By tagcount DESC So back to the grind. I hope this helps any other newbies out there.