I am looking for a typeahead component where the data in the dataProvider is 
from a database query after each keystroke. The examples i have used so far 
work fro an 
existing set of data but I need to dynamically define that data given the text 
that has been 
typed. I am sure many of you may have a similar requirement.

Having looked at Adobe's typeahead component and playing with that for some 
time I 
realised that it works only with fixed pre-bound dataProvider. It became 
apparent that 
only a synchronous process of capturing the keystroke, querying the database, 
binding the 
data to the typeahead object and then the component looking up the complete 
string within that data would work. As it is of course, it is an asynchronous 
process as the 
component attempts to look up the typed text in the current dataprovider before 
the new 
dataset is returned and rebound from the database.

So I guess I have a few questions:

1) is there some way to customise the typeahead component in order for it to 
call and 
handle my database query in a synchronous fashion? (i.e. can a URLrequest and 
handler be made synchronous and then patched into the adobe component?)

2) if the Adobe typeahead component cannot do this does anyone ese have a 
that can?

3) if not does anyone know how I might go about using existing flex components 
cobble together my own solution? (In this case I have managed to get the key 
capture handled etc but have failed to get sufficient control over a combobox 
to make it 
pop open with the relevant item hi-lited etc).

Many Thanks for your help in advance,

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