
With lot of help from Steve on this list I could get a Flex test
application running with webORB and PHP-Firebird as serverside
many thanks to him. We also trying run it with other AMF alternatives
just for evaluation otherwise webORB is very satisfactory.
Performance is acceptable, Easy to develop and deploy.

Now we have been advised by many ppl on Firebird-PHP and On this
list also to have some PHP frameworks like Symphony, CakePHP, Zend
etc. etc.as wrappers to server side PHP.

We would like to know why we should wrap serverside with these
framework and what will be the benefits in that. According to
discussion we had it is going to add another layer in application
then we fear about performance. But since these frameworks
are there and being used extensively inspite of this issue
there must be some advantage out weighing the performance
penalty but since this is our first web application so we are
not in position to judge that. Please help us in this matter.

Similarly also suggest some good framework which is high performing,
easy to code and deploy, if at all it is beneficial to use 
such framework on server side PHP.  

Thanks and Best Regards


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