In small test application I have the follow object. stack


The "Main.mxml" loads the ->  "class EntryClass" (that
doesn't extends anything)  -> "public static function Main()".


This EntryClass.Main() function is doing the follow:


      var mxmlApp:Application = Application(Application.application);

      var mainAppClass:MainAppClass=new MainAppClass();



So the mainAppClass is loaded.

Now the MainAppClass extends the UIComponent and in its constructor does


      var buttonFromMainClass:Button=new Button();

"hello world";


to add it to stage I call




and here is the problem! The button is not appeared on the stage, but using
this code:




the button is added to the stage and it is visible.


Why the button is not added to the stage with the simple addChild? Where am
I wrong?


Something that might be help, in EntryClass.Main() if I create a button and
add it with the mxmlApp.addChild the button is added and appeared on the
stage normally, so there is no problem with the use of mxmlApp.addChild.


Best regards



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