I'm trying to skew an Image object to a varying amount, right down the
center.  I'm using the example math that I found in the help and in
examples online, but for some reason the math doesn't seem to be working
out.  A cookie for anyone who can help me figure it out.

I published the sample of my problem here
and the source is here

The general gist is that I have the blue canvas (100x100), and am
rendering both halves of it ( A and B ) (each 50x100) on the right:

-----------     -----------
|               |     |  A  |  B  |
|               |     |       |       |
-----------     -----------

The slider sets how far the right half (B)  is translated down (or up)
-- as a percentage of the height of B.  So a setting of 1 moves B down
100% of it's height.  The left half (A) should stay at its original
position (working!), but it's right half should skew (down or up) 
(working!) to match the left edge of B.

But the edges are not matching up.  My suspicions are that I'm messing
up with radians, PI or something else I slept through in Trigonometry...

Could anyone shed some light as to what's missing?

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