When I resize a chart (e.g., Column), below a certain size (seems to be
~100-200 pixels), the labels on the horizontal axis shrink into
illegibility. Is there a way to prevent the labels from shrinking?

For an example of what I'm talking about, go to

, select Charts > Chart Controls > BarChart, and drag the divider of the
HDividedBox on the right up until just before the chart window itself
gets scrollbars. The labels shrink down to just a few pixels tall and
are completely illegible by the end.

I would like to keep the labels at the given height (notice that, e.g.,
the vertical axis labels on the AxisRenderer example do not shrink this
way), and keep shrinking the chart instead. The behavior seems
inconsistent: sometimes the labels shrink and sometimes they don't. And
it's not just related to horizontal versus vertical: take a look at the
AreaChart example--both sets of labels shrink when you drag in the right
browser edge to shrink the chart, but neither set changes when you drag
up the divider below.

Any thoughts?

Maciek Sakrejda
Truviso, Inc.

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