
I am still learning Flex and have run into a wall at this point on an issue.

The calculator application I have created needs to be able to print out a
report with the various variables
the user has selected via comboboxes.  I have a print button that causes a
popup window to appear with the printpreview of the document.
To do this I have used FlexReport (thank you for releasing this to us!).

My problem is that when I pass the variables to the popup I receive NaN
instead of the variable data.  Has anyone been able to sucessfully populate
a FlexReport printout with data from variables? Should I not be using a
popup window to get this accomplished or is the problem related to my trying
to place numeric variables in a text field?

Sorry if this question is very simple, but I have exhausted my other
resources at this point and still can't seem to get my variables to
display..  If anyone has an example of using variables in FlexReport it
would be greatly appreciated.  I want to use the print preview functionality
of this component but will be forced to use Flex's built in print
functionality if I can't get variables working.

Thank you for your assistance,

Terry (Mhason)

Here is a snippet from the main app to make the window and pass the

*private* *function* showPrint():*void


*var* printMe:ReportDemo =

ReportDemo(PopUpManager.createPopUp(*this*, ReportDemo, *false*));
and show the title window

printMe.mainApp = *this*; *//Reference to the main app scope

printMe.myBaseScore = baseScore; *//Pass a simple value to the popup

printMe.myEnviroScore = enviroScore;

printMe.myTemporalScore = temporalScore;


And here is a snippet from ReportDemo where I am attempting to display and
print the passed values:

[*Bindable*]*public* *var* mainApp:Object = *null*;

[*Bindable*]*public* *var* myTemporalScore:Number;

[*Bindable*]*public* *var* myBaseScore:Number;

[*Bindable*]*public* *var* myEnviroScore:Number;

private* *var* reportTemplates:ReportTemplates;

*private* *var* text:String =myBaseScore.toString() +

*"<p>TemporalScore: </p>"* +

*"<p>:</p>"* +




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