How do you know it didn't update __employees?
Can you post a mini-example in a couple of screenfuls of text? ________________________________ From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Geoffrey Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 6:11 PM To: Subject: [flexcoders] Does Drag & Drop Only Update the DataProvider? I have a DataGrid that has a dataProvider bound to an ArrayCollection. <code> <mx:DataGrid id="dgEmployees" dataProvider="{__employees}" ...> </code> I also have another DataGrid (dgAllEmployees) that is within a popup, which I use as a source for Drag & Drop operations to populate the dgEmployee dataGrid. What I've noticed is that when I drag & drop employees from the "all employees" DataGrid to the "employees" DataGrid, it seems to only update the dataProvider of dgEmployees, and not the ArrayCollection __employees. Why is this? Below is a snip of my drag & drop code where it actually copies the data. This is a generic method that is used all over the application. <code> public static function doDragDrop( event:DragEvent ):void { // Prevent the default event from happening. event.preventDefault(); // Get drop target var dropTarget:DataGrid = DataGrid(event.currentTarget); // Get the dragged items from the drag initiator. var dropItems:Array = event.dragSource.dataForFormat("items") as Array; // Add each item to the drop target. for (var i:uint = 0; i < dropItems.length; i++) { var dest:IList = IList(dropTarget.dataProvider); if (!contains(dest, dropItems[i])) { dest.addItem(dropItems[i]); } } } </code> I think that I had event.preventDefault(); in there because it was putting 2 of each dropped item in the dgEmployee DataGrid. Might this be messing something up? Also, contains() is a custom method to compare the source items to what's in the target's list to prevent duplicates. Is there a better way to do this? Thanks in advance. GT