yeah, you can have multiple components in a CellRenderer. You will have to take care of  layouting etc.
Look into Flex CellRenderer documentation for examples or look at

From: Sjors Pals [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 6:47 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Image and Label in Custom Cellrenderer

Hello, i want to know or its possible to combine a image and a label in a cellrenderer.

This is the code I have now, this is working and it shows a bar (which represents a value between 0 and 100)



<mx:VBox xmlns:mx="">


        function setValue(str:String, item:Object, sel:Boolean) : Void {


            image.maintainAspectRatio  = false;

            image.width = item["CB_INDEX"];

            image.height = 5;



    <mx:Image id="image" height="5"/>





Sjors Pals

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