Is the SAP server at a different location than you’re SWF?  If so you’re running into crossdomain.xml issues.  I’m guessing that the SAP web service is not at port 80, but when we make the crossdomain request it will go to http://server/crossdomain.xml even if your request was at http://server:8100/someservice?wsdl.  Am I right?  If so you may need to look into doing a Security.loadPolicyFile(http://server:8100/crossdomain.xml) (assuming you can put the crossdomain file on that server) so that it doesn’t hit port 80.


This make sense?  If the SWFs are on the same machine/port then maybe your browser is doing the authentication for you by default when you hit the web page but is not when the Player makes the request?  Though that would be weird…




From: [] On Behalf Of João Fernandes
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 7:25 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] SAP Webservices problem


Hi there,


I'm starting to play with FP8.5 and I was testing a connection to a SAP webservice.

We configured authentication in SAP so no credentials are needed when invoking those services and if we call the wsdl directly in the browser they display just fine but when I compile the application, it asks for authentication. We wanted to avoid this, but even if we enter an authorized user credentials it doesn't to work and throws an

"security error accessing url".


Any Idea ? 




João Fernandes

Secção de Desenvolvimento

Departamento de Informática


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