Seems fine to me.  If you were going to go truly OO (and potentially overboard depending on how many search types you might have) on the back end you might implement your filter classes to know how to actually do the search themselves.  That way instead of having a switch statement based on the filter type you would actually just tell the filter to do the search.  This is minor and doesn’t affect you on the Flex side.




From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Barnes
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 11:40 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Searching with FLEX, whilst implementing re-use.


I've been reluctant to post about this concept, mainly as I feel I am
missing some much needed OOP skills. None the less, here goes nothing.

I have a MXML component (basically a container, with TextField, Search
Button ..or more...) that I want to re-use consistently throughout an
application via a standard dialog. Yet, at the same time the Context
of this search criteria may differ depending on what the user is
currently doing (ie Search for Users or they could be in invoice
management, and want to search for an invoice).

Part of this design, is that rather then building individual
forms/logic associated to each Context (that or simply extend it for
the off chance it changes), I decided to marry the concept of a
FilterClass with the SearchForm.

I've proposed that with each implementation of a form, you nest a
FilterClass node within your MXML, the purpose of this node is define
how to execute a intended search for thine context.

The point is, I want to send a serialized object to my RemoteObject,
which then unpacks that data, works out what execution plan it needs
to undertake and carries it out accordingly.

So lets assume I have the following approach to my search:

1) User enters keyword into TextField

2) User clicks Search (doSearch())

3) doSearch extracts Keyword from known textfield, instantiates
associated (context specific) filterClass and sets keyword accordingly

4) doSearch invokes validate() on associated filterClass, checks for
exceptions if none, continues.

5) doSearch sends filterClass to RemoteObject.method
( aka "flexGateway"

6) flexGateway unpacks (filterStruct) the serialized filterClass,
deterimes its type (case statement) and invokes known methods relating
to such type (ie searchInvoices(filterStruct))

7) searchInvoices invokes whatever needed methods it has, in order to
carry out a search (ie pass information to a manager within the model,
which in turn passes deserialized arguments to associated datalayer)

8) searchInvoices returns a known data type back to the flexGateway

9) flexGateway either then returns that data type to doSearch or
re-packs into a more Flex friendly format and then hands it back

10) doSearch uses that information to populate a datagrid etc.

How does this concept float? hold water? or can anyone improve on
thine strategy?

Scott Barnes

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