Tabs that haven't been looked at don't have their children created yet
for performance reasons.  I think many folks use a pull-down strategy.
You keep a central notion of what the current item is and each view
widget binds to it.  


Behalf Of freefallsv
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 7:41 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] TabNavigator focus issues

I'm having the following issue. I have a layout of data seperated into 
4 tabs. The first three hold different sections of data for the same 
product. All product data is recieved from the CFC and stored as an 
ArrayCollection. The fourth tab contains a TileList that is populated 
from that ArrayCollection. When an item is selected on tab 4, I want 
it to update the fields on the other 3 tabs.

When I had everything on one tab, this was working fine. After 
seperating it into 3 tabs, I started getting errors. I started 
removing set statements from the function and was able to discover that 
if I only tried to set the text value of fields in first tab in the 
stack, it worked fine. If I changed the order of the stack and tried 
to update those fields instead, they would update fine. 

So what am I missing? how do I get it to update the fields in tabs 
other than the top one in the stack?



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