Title: Mensagem
Hello Steven !
-----Mensagem original-----
De: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Em nome de Steven Webster
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2005 17:04
Para: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Assunto: RE: [flexcoders] Cairgorm features
         Hey Michel,

- Error Handling 

What would you require exactly; remember we're not "in JVM" so the responsibility to throw errors is different.  What would you be looking for...? 

Ok, we were thinking about Struts form validation here. Validate not only unfilled fields automacally and/or show errors about executing
service operations. We could have something like the Struts error tag. Perhaps, when considering service execution on Flex, we 
know they don't happen at the invocation moment, so it can be a problem to register and show the errors. Anyway, is a suggestion.

  - Internacionalization  

We intended implementing the solution by Benoit Hedard into the Cairngorm framework, but haven't made any concrete commitments to delivering that.  We're trying to balance decisions about whether features belong in an architectural framework, or whether we should lobby for their inclusion in the technology itself. 

Ok, we agree, this is a good arguing, why flex doesn't have  (nativelly) some feature that helps people to write an i18nable application ? But even in Java, the use of ResourceBundles is just a pattern, a feature of the java "architecture", and not something inside the JVM, or the language itselt.

We'll try to solve this issue using a Java Remoting Service binding to a Flex Dataset, and this one binding to the properties of the Flex componentes. This service will be called in the initialization fase of the Flex Application, or even when the user decides to change its locale. In our case this Java Remoting Service of course relies on the Java Resource Bundle support.

This looks very simple, should be work without performance issues, and could be a pattern to any Flex Development that needs i18n support. 

- Action Mapping (regarding navigation)

 Again, what would you be looking for here ?  Currently, actions are essentially "event names" that invoke commands, and the map as such is the implementation of the FrontController.  We've found that to be a lightweight implementation that delivers on what people require ... would you require more.

Struts is built upon the Core J2EE Patterns, Cairngorm is an implementation of an RIA microarchitecture that leverages the Core J2EE Patterns that the iteration::two team considered over the years to be appropriate to RIA development, and have since won support from the other members of the Cairngorm project committee (and the developers using the framework).

Our goal is to deliver an implementation of a best-practice microarchitecture that best-leverage the feature-set of Flex; our goal has never been to port Struts (which I would consider to be too heavyweight for stateful client-side microarchitecture, but that's another discussion).

Have you built an RIA with Cairngorm, and did you find anything lacking in being able to engineer and deliver the kind of user-experiences that you hoped for ?  Feature requests based upon real-world use-cases are greatfully accepted... 

 Here we are asking ourselfs what are the benefits of using this Cairngorm microarchitecture ?
 Ok, with it, we extract the controller of user UI actions
(FrontController) to a separated piece of code, that should be more easily maintained, for instance to implement a new behavior, without touching the UI code (mxml).
 Is just that ? Because this complexity added in the UI development, in our opinion, it doesn't justify this only one benefit.
 We've also heard that using this Cairnform microarchiteture the development should be faster than a common approach, were the UI actions
(events) are treated directly in the mxml code. In practice this is not true.
 We are also looking for some pattern that helps us in another area. Our applications are commonly customized by our customers, for example to add or change a behavior of an UI functionality, sometimes this customizations are per enduser and not only to a particular application instance.
 So, more than a simple separation of the controller, we need something more FLEXyble, solved in runtime, maybe using XML (here like struts, but
simpler) instead of ActionScript code (without compilation needs).

Best wishes,



Steven Webster
Technical Director
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