Re: [Flexradio] SmartSDR Intel Graphics Card Issue

2016-01-26 Thread Mark G. Thomas
Hi, I have been having the problem with, dated 7/17/2015, which was the newest one I could find when I was looking at this just last month. Now, I see there is a new version, dated 11/18/2015 via Microsoft Update, which is supposed to address instability problems. Micr

Re: [Flexradio] SmartSDR Intel Graphics Card Issue

2016-01-26 Thread Tony
Neal: On 1/23/2016 3:38 PM, Neal Campbell wrote: Tony I would go to and look for their latest driver. Ususlly the WIndows downloads are pretty old. Neal Campbell New drivers did the trick. Thank you... Tony -K2MO On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 3:02 PM, Tony

Re: [Flexradio] SmartSDR Intel Graphics Card Issue

2016-01-26 Thread Mark G. Thomas
Hi, I am also getting this error. It's on a Surface Pro 4. I confirmed it has the latest Intel graphics driver. The error happens every few minutes. I tried totally re-installing Windows-10 from scratch, but the problem persists the frequent interruptions and notifications are too disruptive to