This has been ongoing for about four years now !!

 Maybe ---- Next Year --- ???

 Thank God this is just a Hobby


On Sun, 10 May 2009 12:03:01 -0400, you wrote:

>Geez, guys... Why is it that any time anybody raises just a little
>negative criticism they get jumped on?  Give Barry a break.
>Barry, and all of us, bought a radio an integral part of which is the
>software that runs on a host PC.  That software is pretty good, but it's
>far from perfect.  I think we all know that.
>And, face it: We HAVE been told The New Architecture is coming for YEARs
>now.  And Bob's answer wasn't exactly the most friendly.
>What we're all seeing here is a classic manifestation of how the open,
>volunteer written, software world works when it produces software that's
>a key part of paid product.  Customers have opinions, expectations, and
>wants.  Devs who don't get a pay check tend to please themselves and
>have little incentive to repeatedly answer the same customer criticism
>with patience or grace.  Flex and PowerSDR aren't unique in this
>situation... if you'd like to see exactly the same situation in action,
>check out the Squeezebox audio device. 
>But... c'mon.  Just cuz a guy takes umbrage at receiving a flippant
>reply doesn't mean he should have his head handed to him.  He DID buy
>the radio, and IS entitled to his views.
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