For those of you who are interested in the "bleeding edge" of Ham Radio, please take a look at the G3UKB Software Defined Radio console written in an object oriented computer language named Squeak.

I want to call attention to the amazing work that Bob Cowdery G3UKB is doing. Please visit his pages often to see the progress he is making

Bob demonstrates the challenge he faces by showing us his approach which is both rigorous and disciplined in addition to being very advanced in both techniques and tools.

He has used the latest-and-greatest design technique called UML (Universal Modeling Language) and included preliminary diagrams to show us how it looks. Is this "software soldering"?

His most recent screen shot is an example of MixW on a dual-watch design

I marvel at how Ham Radio has evolved from the skilled operation of lathes and metal bending brakes, to artistic skills in graphics design interwoven with logical skills in computer languages like Squeak :-) I hope that you too share the wonder of our hobby in the digital age.

[try to explain this at your next Club meeting! - hihihihihi]

de ken n9vv

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