

Martin suggested that it might be an antenna problem.


Taking that suggestion to heart, I switched the antenna to my IC-735 and
just worked Canada QRP on 40 meters CW.  SWR without a tuner was about
2.2:1.  I then tuned up the SDR on the same frequency and heard nothing -
zip!.  Something is definitely amiss here, and I think the antenna, bad as
it is, works fine (end fed Zepp cut for 40 meters with a balun- no one can
see it stretched between my window and the trees at my apartment house.  I
had to put it up at midnight!).  


I wish I had another parallel cable, as Kurt suggests.  I will get another
one tomorrow, if no one else has any ideas.  Funny that everything worked
fine before I upgraded the amp and tuner.  Oh and by the way, the monitor
works fine on CW and TUNE as well.


Many, many thanks to Martin and Kurt for the kind attention and suggestions.
(I LOVE this reflector!)









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